Aspirant Feline Song

For all the accomplishments of molecular biology, we still can’t tell a live cat from a dead cat. —Lynn Margulis

Reframing Light


It takes 10 years to master something convincingly.Music is no exception.But the agregate sum of my own 30 or more years watching the divorce of music from science ,coupled with 40 year old stories from experienced piano teachers from the Veluwe have hinted strongly that the student's and parents' apparent belief in just being physically present (at lessons) - without serious home practise facilitation -15mins- per day- for first weeks - to 1 hour a day ( for at least first two years) is actually an attempt to buy into the talent concept as 'animal magnetism'.

A 'magical transference' that owes more to presumption of animal magnetism as the force underlying music.More than 70 years agregate personal observation on the subject led to the following allegorisation of 'spirit seeing' that the act of music making seems relegated to the position of ,not least by the fact that a CD is max 128kb per second ,wheras the old vynl was not les than 2000kb per second.

Result - kids are terrified to take their instruments to school - because the overfocus of eliminating background noise has stopped many- from practising freely.If digital music may be construed as the search for a lens that is increasingly defined as

everything except a mirror?

It may be said the heart of learning is the growth of the desire not to mislead.

In a converted outhouse under a lake - a project that unintentionally became an auditive camera obscura ,a minature view of the monumental complete solo sonatas unaccompanied Bach , refracted through 24 Paganini caprices - can be sampled at the following link .Just press start button to play file - and then back button after listening .

extracts from 3 Cd's 'Cathedral to Clown'

Wasnt it TS ELIOT who wrote that after a life long trip we come to a once familiar place-as if for the first time,so naked has the journey stripped us?