
Liebnitz , forever in search of a universal language once said

"musica exercitium arithmeticae occulum nescientis se numare animi "

(music is the excercise in arithmetic in which the mind does not know it is counting)

Much in common with the question of color,say-in shells

The shell's color patterns develop because growth is rhythmic and continious

So its the rhythm of growth that gives the color

Schopenhauer- 'music is an excerise in metaphysics in which the mind does not know it is philosophising'.

D'Arcy Thompson pointed out some things in nature look the way they do simply because


Heidegger said we were 'time'.

How close is that to his famous 'existential angst' -arguably a form of fossilisation (or FOMO fear of missing out).Form in fossilisation is the reverse of being-

Even soft tissue cells can be layered,through certain forms of bacterialisation sediment combinations,or even in amber,or ice..

Why is it only poets who declare ,like Erica Jong- that we are ,like it or not 'light'-

How would words be formed if sound was a function of light,much as rhythm is a function of neurological growth ,as in above's 'Caribbean Music Volute Shell'

Becoming Light is a function of reverse fossilisation ,not just of forms of thought -but being itself as a function of music ,rhythm accurately shared associations?

Crystals that sing

It is the job of science to create artists ,and vice versa.

If this is not happening ,or happening by default ,it is the omission of the scientists and artists themselves.

How to make an artist from scientific raw material